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Writer's pictureTheAnnabel

My fashion herstory...

Updated: Aug 16, 2019

I'm trying to remember what the impetus was for my current obsession about fashion and style. When I was growing up, I didn't have a choice about what to wear. My mother made those decisions for me, even when I was old enough to tell her what I would want to wear. Her choices weren't god awful, but I wasn't given the opportunity to choose, so I wore what she bought me.

When I turned 16, I got my driver's license and my first job working at McDonald's with a bunch of my classmates. My own money! I could buy my own clothes now! How great was that? The store of choice--Casual Corner 😊. When I tried things on, "I" could decide if I liked it or not. What a great feeling it was to determine on my own what looked good on me and what did not, to make the choice to buy it or not.

As an adult, my passion for fashion continued. I shopped for clothes quite often, always on the quest for what looked good on me in the form of the latest trends. How fabulous I felt when I tried on an outfit that checked off all the boxes: the color looked great on me, the fit was perfect, and it made me feel good about myself.

Late in my adult life, I discovered the show "What Not to Wear" co-hosted by Stacy London and Clinton Kelly. It became my favorite show! Transformative was what it was...literally. Women who were not living up to their potential or had self-esteem issues were nominated by their family or friends or spouse/boyfriend. Those women were changed after the makeovers. They felt so much better about themselves and were able to achieve much more. It was a testament to the saying, "If you look good, you feel good." When you feel good, about yourself, you can achieve so much.

I have received numerous compliments from co-workers, friends, and strangers about my fashion/style. A former director at my place of employment, when introducing our team members to an audience, said, to my surprise, I was probably the best dressed team member. It goes to show that you never know what impression you are giving. Most recently, team members who could be my children, complimented me on how I dressed, looking polished and current. One of them even asked me to take them clothes shopping for a new position she assumed in our organization. People I know, as well as strangers, say how much they love the fact that I have not colored my salt and pepper bob with bangs haircut. I always ask my stylist about coloring my hair, and she always retorts back with, "It looks great! It looks like you have highlights! Leave it alone!" So, I refrain from coloring.

So here I am, typing away, a few months from my 60th birthday, thinking about the next chapter in my life, wondering how I might channel my passion for fashion and style. My boyfriend will probably say I'm obsessed with Facebook...maybe. On my Facebook page yesterday, a BuzzFeed video from Lyn Slater, The Accidental Icon, showed up. I was taken with it, and thought, "I want some of that...I want to do something like that." I liked her take on fashion and style, that women should "forge their own path...when it comes to dressing the way they want to dress...not about a specific age or gender or body type or color..."

I like her take on fashion not taking on a specific age. I don't think I would dress like a teenager from head-to-toe, but I would encourage having an open mind. There may be some great basics or cool jewelry from a store like Forever 21 or American Eagle Outfitters or Tilly's. When you feel like it, try things on to see what you like, what looks great on you, what makes you feel good.

Although my passion runs deep for fashion and style, I have experienced significant personal growth in just the last four years. Like it is for most, significant growth occurs during unpleasant times, and I was no exception. Those unpleasant times never feel good, but I have since realized that you go through those times for an important reason--to learn important lessons and to grow leaps and bounds. I learned not to fight it, but to endure, be patient, and be at peace through it. As a result, I am in the best place I have been in my life. It took almost 60 years to learn what I needed to learn, through these rough times, but it was worth it...better late than never. I am so happy with who I've become and bless those challenges that help me continue learning.

I feel that now, I am on a wonderful journey of possibilities. I invite you to join me as we have fun creating a wonderful life filled with fashion and style.

My fellow fashionphiles, how did you get hooked?

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1 Comment

Aug 15, 2019

Nice! I'm looking forward to more.

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